Dir en Grey- The Interview

Hehee... curious about the 5 mysterious members of Dir en Grey??

And since they're here, let's go and interview them...

NB : Everything in this article was translated by me and though I do not said that is 100% accurate, I hope that no one copies it and it's definitely for personal viewing only!! Thanks ^-^

Tell us your birthday, height, weight, blood type, shoe size ^^
Kyo : 16 Feb, 38kg, B, 24.5cm (tell ya secretly.. Kyo;s height is 160cm ^^, is erm 42kg?)
Die :
20 Dec, 191cm, 82.3kg, B, 27cm
Kaoru :
17 Feb, 170cm, 52kg, A, 25.5cm
Toshiya :
31 Mar, 178cm, 58kg, B, 26.5cm
Shinya :
24 Feb, 170cm, 42kg, B, 24.5cm
How about the favourite place in your house?
Kyo : Own's room
Die :
Kaoru :
Toshiya :
On top of a cushion
Shinya :
What kind of fashion are you please with during off time?
Kyo : Chrome watch?
Die :
Kaoru :
Jeans pants, jeans junkie
Toshiya :
Anything that's free and easy
Shinya :

What do you do before sleeping?
Kyo : To get up
Die :
Kaoru :
Set the alarm clock
Toshiya :
Remove contact lens
Shinya :

Favourite season?
Kyo : As I thought of that!
Die :
(Autumn+winter season)
Kaoru :
Toshiya :
Spring, Autumn, winter
Shinya :
Your colour/(eros for Kyo?)? For example?
Kyo : Homo (hmm he states homo.. maybe he gets the question wrong?? the others answers color.. hehe what was he thinking?? =p)
Die :
Kaoru :
Toshiya :
Greenish black
Shinya :

What breakfast item is sure on your menu?
Kyo : ta-kana.. (dunno what he means??)
Die :
In the morning, nothing. In the pan there a piece of meat, while going, kick it out??
Kaoru :
Eat nothing
Toshiya :
Shinya :
What's your favourite food?? (ermm fooood... yummy.. ^o^)
Kyo : ebi (lobster, shrimp, prawn stuffs)
Die :
BBQ stuffs recently.. (erm that's awhile ago)
Kaoru :
Curry, hamburger
Toshiya :
Likes and dislikes not much food
Shinya :
uida in jelly

*snoopy* : ahhh snoopy smells food calling from the kitchen... went to peek at what's on the kitchen table.. ahh the 4 dir en grey members happily sits down to tuck at their food... Toshiya was looking at his favourite novel, Lost Paradise.. (what's that?? well it's a story about the teacher and a married woman ^^") continue after the feast.. ^^

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